Hi, I'm Kirsten, the owner of Wildly Whimsical Events!

My passion lies in helping others, I have always felt most fulfilled when I’m able to use my skills and knowledge to make people’s lives easier by taking away some of the stress that comes with planning special events. I also enjoy seeing the joy on people’s faces when everything comes together and their vision becomes a reality.

Quality time is a love language of mine and has always been something I’ve longed for for everyone, and once the pandemic hit seeing loved ones missing birthdays, and holidays and not getting to have that time together hit me deeply. I realized how much I missed my people and how much I missed creating events for others to enjoy together.

This sparked my idea for my business, I knew my luxury picnics would be a unique way for people to get back to spending time with one another while still making it comfortable for them after everything we had all just gone through in the previous year.

I look forward to meeting you and making a memorable moment for you and your loved ones.

xo, Kirsten

IEPP™—International Event Planning Professional™ Certified

International Event Planning Professional Certification